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Aaron Fisk

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Trophic Ecology

IAGLR President 2015-2016

Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research


I am a Professor and Canada Research Chair of Trophic Ecology at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER) and the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Windsor.


2002 - 2006

Assistant/Associate Professor
Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia


2000 - 2002
Research Scientist
National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada


1998 - 2000
Postdoctoral Fellow Chemistry

Carleton University


1994 - 1998

Ph.D. Soil Science / Ecotoxicology
University of Manitoba


1992 - 1994
M.Sc. Biology
University of Windsor


1987 - 1991
H.B.Sc. Biology
University of Windsor

Professional Activities

2015 - 2016


International Association of Great Lakes Research

2015 - 2018
Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation


2013 - 2018
Member of the Board of Technical Experts

Fishery Research, Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Associate Editor for Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

© 2024 Aaron Fisk - Trophic Ecology Laboratory. All rights reserved

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