Aly Andersen
Research Associate
School of the Environment

My MSc research broadly focuses on understanding how lake size and seasonality influence food webs in Algonquin Provincial Park. Using stable isotopes, I will assess the variability of d15N, d13C, and d34S isotopic signatures in key species (lake trout, smallmouth bass, cisco, white sucker, and burbot) across a gradient of lake sizes and across seasons. Assessing the variability in isotopic signatures in the lower trophic food web across habitats is another research objective of mine. Understanding these relationships across habitat, season, and lake size will help improve current management practices and policies Canada-wide.
2021 – 2023
M.Sc. Environmental Science
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research
University of Windsor (Windsor, ON Canada)
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Certificate of Environmental Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI United States)